Reports of my death, it seems, have been greatly exaggerated.
This site's still going away... but I'm not. Mainly because I realized that, without a website, I can't participate in The Third Annual White Elephant Blogathon. And nobody wants to miss out on that.
What has chafed about this, what I can't really keep up with, is the reviewing load. When you try to review everything you watch, it gets burdensome. Yet I didn't really feel that crunch until several years in, and changing the format just seemed wrong to me. At least, it does here. No one's to say that we can't get a fresh start elsewhere, though. So I've done just that. This will likely be a far more informal venture - just me riffing on movies, music, booze, whatever else. In other words, more like an everyday blog. Exciting, I know.
I have thus taken a page from the Matt Prigge playbook. For those still interested, this is my new home. See you in the funny pages...
This site's still going away... but I'm not. Mainly because I realized that, without a website, I can't participate in The Third Annual White Elephant Blogathon. And nobody wants to miss out on that.
What has chafed about this, what I can't really keep up with, is the reviewing load. When you try to review everything you watch, it gets burdensome. Yet I didn't really feel that crunch until several years in, and changing the format just seemed wrong to me. At least, it does here. No one's to say that we can't get a fresh start elsewhere, though. So I've done just that. This will likely be a far more informal venture - just me riffing on movies, music, booze, whatever else. In other words, more like an everyday blog. Exciting, I know.
I have thus taken a page from the Matt Prigge playbook. For those still interested, this is my new home. See you in the funny pages...
haha lmao well see you on your new blog
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