Thursday, June 17, 2004

Roxanna (1970)
Roxanna (2002)

What the fuck was Seduction Cinema thinking? The 1970 version is an ambitious skin-flick curio that would be worth a look had SC not crapped all over it by adding a new soundtrack. The score isn't bad, truthfully; the problem here is SC's decision to overlay the film's often-striking visuals and surprisingly sophisticated usage of crosscutting with the worst voiceover narration EVER. The young lady doing the narration sounds both snide and incredibly bored, and by the film's end she seems to be talking about something else entirely. I realize it's probably unfair to rate a film based only upon a mutilated version, but I gotta call 'em as I see 'em. At the very least, this might warn off someone who was interested in seeing this piece of historic erotica.

Oh, and the 2002 remake has one amusing dialogue exchange between Misty Mundae and Darian Caine. Otherwise it's complete garbage -- the longest 35 minutes of your life.

"1970" version: C-
2002 version: D-


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