Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

Well, come on... you all knew I was going to like this. It's not Moore's strongest film, not by a longshot -- it feels less focused than his better films, and it also features some heinous attempts at audience manipulation (mainly the material involving Lila Lipscomb, which passes from moving into grotesque). And, as others have pointed out, a lot of what he's brought up isn't exactly revelatory. But it's still consistently engaging, with a notable lack of Moore shtick (he has the good sense to mostly stay out of this material's way) and some stunning on-the-scene footage -- it's incredible, given his reputation, the kinds of things that people allow Moore to film. Most disturbing is a ride-around with two Marine recruiters -- you'd think these guys were selling Amway. It won't exactly make you proud to be an American, but it's worth a look.

Grade: B


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