Sunday, September 28, 2003

Catch Me if You Can (2002)

A fine example of what can happen when a bunch of talented people are operating at the peak of their powers... and also a demonstration of how little that can add up to. Everything here is top-notch on the technical and artistic side -- the cinematography is gorgeous, Spielberg's direction is spry, DiCaprio lays waste to his naysayers with an expert performance, blah blah blah etc. etc. The only weak link is the source; while entertaining, it's also wispy and hollow like a milk chocolate bunny rabbit. Which would be fine if this was intended as a breezy lark i.e. Soderbergh's Ocean's Eleven... but come now, this is Spielberg. He tries hard to create the illusion of emotional dimension, but it's a no go -- this thing's too disposable. Consequently, the two-hour-plus running time begins to drag. This is cinema-as-decorative-paperweight.

Grade: C+


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