Monday, April 01, 2002

Panic Room (2002)

Well, as a follow-up to Fight Club, it's a bit of a disappointment... but then, what wouldn't be? It's all pretty damn cool anyway, milking its simple concept for every single possible plot twist. Hollywood may not know horror anymore, but they can still crank out a tense and inventive thriller every now and then. If nothing else, I'll remember this film forever for two things: 1) A line of dialogue ("Why didn't we think of that?") that will likely end up being my favorite of the year, and 2) The single most ridiculous tracking shot in the history of film. (That shot's a real beaut -- in terms of sheer audacity, it outdoes even the infamous Louma crane shot in Dario Argento's Tenebrae.) Proof that a good movie is the result of a simple equation: Good Script + Good Director + Good Acting = Good Movie. If only most filmmakers could remember that. Jared Leto has some weird friggin' taste in roles, doesn't he? I like that in a pretty-boy actor.

Grade: B+


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